Aroma Season Cigarette Smoke Smoking and Dry Eyes

Everyone is aware that smoking is bad for your health. Smoking can cause heart disease and cancer, but did you know that smoking was as bad for your eyes? The smoke from the cigarette is irritating to the eyes and can aggravate the dryness of your dry eyes.

How does tobacco affect your eyes?

Smoke irritates the eyes by releasing chemicals into the lungs that enter the eye through the bloodstream. It restricts blood flow to the eyes and reduces the number of antioxidants. Antioxidants are essential in the fight against ocular diseases. Quitting smoking is therefore beneficial in preventing an aggravation of your dry eye symptoms in addition to all other benefits on your overall health. As a reminder, cigarettes contain about 4,000 chemical compounds. Tobacco smoke is therefore particularly troublesome to the eyes, imagine the effect it has on dry eyes that do not have a healthy tear film.

Eye dryness? Another reason for quitting smoking.

Quitting smoking requires several steps. One should not engage in this process on a mere whim. To be successful, it is best to be well prepared and have a plan to reduce and overcome withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

Identify the reasons for quitting

The desire to smoke during the withdrawal of nicotine can be difficult to overcome. You should then remember the benefits of a tobacco-free life and the disadvantages of smoking – so it is important to pinpoint them from the beginning of your approach.

Understand your addiction

Smoking is a matter of addiction and habit. It is important that you ask yourself the right questions: Why am I smoker? What are my smoking habits? What is my most important cigarette of the day? How can I replace the pleasure and comfort I get from tobacco use? The clairvoyance is a major asset for the success of your approach. Always keep in mind that if you suffer from dry eye, the simple of giving up smoking and avoiding exposure to second-hand smoke will only benefit your dry eye symptoms.

Find ways to quit smoking

Before setting the date you will quit smoking, make sure you put all the chances on your side. You must feel a strong motivation, first of all, but you also have to go for tools that will increase your chances of success. The use of tobacco control and the support of a health professional are definitely winning strategies.

Take action

After you set the date when you quit smoking, it’s time to take action. Get rid of your cigarettes, ashtrays and lighters and take a day at a time. Think back often about why you quit smoking. Dry eye and comfort of your eyes is part of course but you should have a bunch of other reasons in mind.

Tips for controlling your smoking rage

Drink a lot of water. The water also makes it possible to make the secretions of the bronchi more liquid and thus facilitates the cleaning of the lungs.
Nibble fruit or raw vegetables.
Try to avoid alcohol, coffee and other drinks that you used to when smoking.
If you miss the sensation of holding a cigarette, keep your hands occupied by playing with a pencil, a paper clip, a ball, etc.
After meals, instead of smoking, brush your teeth or go for a walk.
Exercise, stretch, move.
Breathe deeply, hold your breath counting up to 5. Repeat the exercise as long as your urge to smoke persists.
Try to avoid people or situations that might make you smoke, at least for a while.
Find new ways to indulge yourself, relax and take care of yourself.
Take advantage of all the resources available to you (help, smoking cessation, self-help groups, professional counseling, etc.)
If you are motivated and well prepared, you can quit smoking permanently.
Dry Eyes and second-hand smoke

Simple. If you have dry eyes, stay away from the smoke of the smokers even if you do not smoke yourself. Second-hand smoke is just as irritating as the smoke inhaled by the smoker. Tobacco irritates the eye, which aggravates the dryness of the eyes. Even non-smokers who are exposed to smoke suffer discomfort.

Second-hand smoke contains:

Carbon monoxide – asphyxiant gas that reduces tissue oxygenation,
Formaldehyde – irritant gas used as a recognized disinfectant and carcinogen,
Benzene – flammable liquid, highly toxic and irritant,
Nicotine – addictive substance. Also used in the manufacture of insecticides.
Ammonia – a compound used in the manufacture of explosives, fertilizers and paint solvents,
Arsenic – an agent with highly carcinogenic properties for the skin and lungs,
Hydrocyanic acid – violent poison, extremely harmful to the lungs,
Acetaldehyde – toxic and irritating flammable liquid,
Acetonitrile – toxic. used for the manufacture of plastic,
Formic acid – strong irritant,
Acrolein – irritant, toxic and carcinogenic liquid,
Methyl chloride – toxic gas,
Hydrogen cyanide – a deadly poison!
Methanol – toxic alcohol,
Nitrous oxide – which combined with hydrocarbons (and therefore urban pollution) contributes to the formation of smog,
Proprionaldehyde – disinfectant liquid,
Pyridine – flammable liquid insecticide and bactericide,
Hydrogen sulphite – toxic gas produced by decomposition.
Protective goggles to protect your eyes from second-hand smoke



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