Aroma Season Dry Eyes Lack of Sleep and Insomnia

Chronic insomnia or just lack of sleep can cause or aggravate dry eye.

Eyes recover during sleep

A person who regularly lacks sleep can feel negative effects on his vision. The eyes are an organ of the body like any other part of the human body and need to rest and enjoy a restful sleep. The eyes can not withstand excessive stress and need rest. Depending on the sleeping debt, the visual focus may be altered.

Lack of sleep and red eyes

Red eyes are often due to irritation of the cornea and the conjunctiva. When you do not sleep enough, ocular fatigue encourages ocular redness. Although eye redness can mean many other things, it is certain that a person who does not sleep well is likely to have red eyes. If your eyes are red due to lack of sleep, take rest and try to give you sleep, but do not use whitening or anti-redness drops that contain a vasoconstrictor.

Vasoconstrictions of the blood vessels in the eye

In the long term, these products will only exacerbate your eye redness problem. Indeed, drops specifically designed to clear eye redness could make the problem worse. These drops contain vasoconstrictors, chemicals that greatly shrink the blood vessels on the surface of your eye. If you use it regularly or too often, your body will begin to get used to and become more resistant to these substances, which will make your eyes even more red as the effect of these products will disappear.

On the other hand, a cold compress can help reduce the redness of the eye. The cold tightens the blood vessels and diminishes the symptoms of the stinging eyes, irritated eyes, tired eyes, swollen eyes.

Check with your doctor if eye redness persists

If ocular redness persists, it may not be due solely to lack of sleep. In this case, you should quickly consult your healthcare professional because red eyes can be the symptom of several eye diseases.

Dry Eyes and lack of sleep

If you suffer from dry eye, it is certain that a lack of sleep would only amplify your symptoms of dry eye syndrome. Sleep is the time when your eyes take rest and prepare for the next day. It is therefore important, in your fight against dry eye, to ensure you have enough sleep. In addition, to have a deep and restful sleep, make sure to sleep in a dark place since darkness activates the secretions that promote sleep. Some people will use a night mask to assure their eyes the darkness necessary for a good sleep. If you sleep in broad daylight, then a mask is very desirable for the same reasons.






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