Aroma Season How to Treat Eye Styes

What is an eye stye?

The medical name for a stye is hordeolum (or hordeola if there are more than one). Styes are a very common type of infection of the eyelid. They usually develop quite quickly, over a few days. Usually only one eye is affected, although you can develop more than one stye at a time, even on the same lid. There are two types of stye: external styes (the common type) and internal styes (which are quite uncommon).

How to treat a stye

Styes often need no treatment. The 'head' usually bursts within 3-4 days.
Hot compresses may help to ease soreness and draw the pus to a head.
You should avoid contact lenses and eye make-up until it resolves.
Taking antibiotics (ointments or medicines) is not recommended.
It is sensible to discard mascara and eyeliners that you used along the edge of your eyelid as the stye was forming. Options to speed up resolution of the stye are:

No treatment

Often, no treatment is necessary. Once a 'head' has formed on a stye, most burst within 3-4 days, with the tiny amount of pus draining away and leaving no further problem.

Hot compresses

These may help to ease soreness and draw the pus to a head. You can do this yourself: Hold a clean flannel, which has been dipped in hot water and squeezed dry, gently but firmly against the closed eye. Do this for 5-10 minutes, 3-4 times a day. (The water should be hot; it should be comfortable and not scalding.) Eventually the stye will 'pop' and drain - but do not be tempted to try to pop it yourself. You may make things worse by injuring the delicate eyelid, or by spreading infection deeper into the tissues.
Convenience USB hot compress eye mask:

Epilation of the eyelash

This is a treatment for an external stye. It means that the eyelash is plucked out. Epilation is briefly uncomfortable but it can help the infection from the hair follicle to drain.

Incision and drainage of an external stye

A health professional can perform this procedure, which is a treatment for an external stye. It is like lancing a boil. A sterile needle (or perhaps a scalpel) can be used to open the stye and drain the pus. You should not attempt this yourself, as you might spread the infection to the eyelid, with serious consequences.

Drainage of an internal stye

This procedure involves using an injection of local anaesthetic to numb your eyelid, which must be flipped 'inside out' in order to expose the stye before it can be scraped out. Very occasionally this procedure is done under general anaesthetic, as it is uncomfortable and children, in particular, do not tolerate it. After this procedure, antibiotic eye drops are usually given.

Are styes contagious?

To reduce the chance of the infection spreading:

Don't share facecloths/flannels or towels with anyone whilst you have a stye.
Always wash your hands after touching the affected eyelid.
Avoid eye make-up or contact lenses until the infection has settled.
Are there any complications?

Most styes are very minor infections that clear without any treatment and cause no problems. Styes do not affect your vision.

Sometimes the stye doesn't go away, and can turn into a cyst called a chalazion. If this happens it doesn't look particularly red and it doesn't hurt. However, you will have a lump on your eyelid.

Very occasionally the infection can spread. It may spread to the surface of the eye, causing conjunctivitis, which may need antibiotic ointment or drops to clear the infection. Alternatively the infection can spread around the eyelid, causing it to become more red and swollen. If this happens you should see your GP as you may need antibiotic tablets.

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